Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Aspiring to Abundance

So, I have been working through two different Bible Studies. Covenant by Kay Arthur and

One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer. They are both really, really, really (did I mention really) good. I am doing Covenant for my Wednesday night class at church and One in a Million for the young women's Bible Study at my church. I finished up One in a Million last night and I just wanted to share some of the stuff I underlined during the last week's lesson. Priscilla Shirer is something else. I love watching the videos that go with the workbooks. She absolutely blows me away. (She and Kay and Beth Moore will be coming to the BJCC in December for the Deeper Still Conference). Anyway, here are some things that really struck me during this last week.
* Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the will to move forward in spite of it.
* As you begin to feel a divine tugging in your heart and explore spiritual abundance by opening your ears to God's voice and looking for the manifested presence of God around you be sure that you will draw the Enemy's attention.
* We must come to understand that the task God has given us in this season of our lives is just as important to the health of the church as leading missions programs and singing solos in the church choir.
* God designed each gift to enable a believer to accomplish His calling on her life.
* Contentment with our circumstances comes as we rest in and utilize the gifts God provides.
* God uses our current experiences to prepare us for what's ahead.
* Whatever our specific calling in this specific moment, we must grow satisfied and confident in our God given ability to handle it.
* We can't conquer life's trials on our own, but God allows us to overcome with His help.
* God is not bound by human methods and means.
* We must not live as people more directed by human reasoning than by faith.
* As we consider the possibilities of what might go wrong if we step out and do as God says, we slowly convince ourselves that the possibility of the negative is more trustworthy than God.
* You and I must put one foot in front of the other to show our faith in what God says. Thinking about, talking about, or even praying about our spiritual inheritance will not cause us to acquire it.
* God requires our participation in securing His promises. Don't misunderstand: Our participation does not minimize God's ability. He doesn't need our help. He expects us to help so that we might grow in our faith and better appreciate His provision.
* God puts people in our paths who will find spiritual encouragement in what they see happening in us.

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