Saturday, April 24, 2010

Weekly Wrap Up

So, we've only got 10 more days of school left until we reach our required 170 days.  Don't tell my kiddos that.  I've told them they have 15 more days.  Why?  I don't know.  I guess because I just want to be sure that we've done enough?!  Who knows?  But that's what they think and they are okay with it - so I'm going with that.  We started our school year in the middle of July and I think I am going to do that again next year.  I have really enjoyed having the freedom to take days off in the fall and spring when the weather is great.  By July, my kids are getting tired of going to the pool everyday and it's so hot, you literally can not handle being outside for long.  I've already hit them with the news that we will be doing math and reading over the summer.  Also, okay with that.  (As long as it is only 1 lesson a day - mom!)  Okay, moving on to this week's weekly wrap up.  Don't forget to head over to Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers to see what everybody else has been up to this week.

Let's see . . .  We wrapped up our science book.  Speaking of  - what science curriculum do you use and love?  I haven't really dug ours for this year.  Gotta find something new for next year.  Anyway, our last unit was on space.  We talked about all things space related.  When we got to the stars and constellations, we made our own . . .
using those good ole star stickers and some black construction paper.  Next week (since we have finished our science book, we are going to talk about volcanoes.  You know with that whole Iceland thing there should be plenty of great images on the internet and we have a kit to build our own!)
What else?. . . We finished up school on Wednesday and I dropped the boys off at my friend Deborah's to play with their friends, Davis and Clark.  They had such a great time!  The next day, we decided the right thing to do was write some thank you notes using these super cute cards the boys got for Christmas from my dad and step mom.

Aren't they cute?! Anyway . . . The boys the did great and at one point my youngest came to ask me a question and I said, "Hold on honey, I am helping D with his school work."  D said, (while writing his thankyou note) "Hey, I amd not doing school."  You gotta love those kinda moments!

It was a fairly busy week when you add in baseball games and practices. And last but not least, we ended the week with my littlest man graduating from kindergarten. 

More on that to come later!  I hope you all had a great week!


  1. Sounds like you had a great week!

  2. Kudos to you for almost being finished with the year!! ;)

    We do math during the summer, too - just a couple of days a week. I think we'd have tears in the fall if we didn't! ;)

    This year for science we used A Child's Geography for semester one and Apologia Astronomy for semester two. I would not hesitate to use these same two resources again! We actually studied constellations this week, too! ;)

    Also, I see the poll on your sidebar ... I recently had a poll for the same thing! When mine ended, it was 2/3 for ditching the playlist. Several times I have wished I would have given a third option, like you, for instrumental. I wonder if that would have made a difference.

    Anyhoo ... have a great weekend, Elaine!!

  3. Super fun family. Sounds like a great week. We have used Sonlight science for eight years and really like it.

  4. sounds like a really great week! Congratulations to your Kindergartner!

  5. The notecards are cute. :)
    And I wish we were that close to being done with this school year!

  6. Love the notecards!

    Your week looked amazing!


  7. Hi. Well, I'm finally getting back here from the UBP! You were one of the blogs I'd bookmarked to re-visit...and now I'm following you. I look forward to reading lots more good stuff. :^)

    We'll finish our core materials by May 14 - yeah! - though we, too, will do some stuff over the summer. We'll start back up with everything at the beginning of August - same reason you start in July - and then we also take off during the traditional academic year. It's so sweet to be able to do that!



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